CLR Analytics

Microsimulation Plugins

Paramics SDRMS Ramp Metering Control (Occupancy Control logic)

This plugin implements the SDRMS (San Diego Ramp Metering System) ramp metering algorithm in PARAMICS. The SDRMS is the most widely used ramp metering systems in California. It is currently deployed in District 3 (North Central), District 8 (Riverside/San Bernardino), and District 11(San Diego/Imperial).

The SDRMS can be operated under traffic-responsive or pre-timed metering control. It has two traffic responsive control logics, which are occupancy logic and volume logic. If both occupancy and volume logics are enabled, the most restrictive of the two rate codes is applied.

The SDRMS has sixteen time-of-day (TOD) entries and eleven holiday entries provided to control up to 3 meters by time-of-day and day-of-week. It provides two sets of traffic responsive and cycle rate control tables, and each of them has fifteen entries. The table applied at any given time is selectable via time-of-day table entries or via communications.

Plugin Features:

  • Operates under pre-timed or traffic-respond metering setting
  • Optional queue override function
  • Definable metering parameters
  • Allows alternate green assinment to different lanes
  • GUI display metering locations
  • Reports Errors in Info Browser and log files