(May 1, 2016)
CLR Analytics presented the Inductive Loop Signature Technology in North American Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC) 2016 from May 1 to 4 in Miami, Florida. NATMEC provides an opportunity for traffic monitoring professionals to exchange and share information related to the collection, management, and use of monitored traffic data in all applications. The conference attracts many local, state, and federal representatives, industry representatives, and vendors of equipment and software.
NATMEC 2016’s slogan is “Improving Traffic Data Collection, Analysis, and Use”. Various new technologies were demonstrated in the conference. Our Inductive Loop Signature Technology, which is sponsored by USDOT through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, was a hot topic during the conference.
Dr. Lianyu Chu, pricipal of CLR Analytics have two presentations in NATMEC 2016. In May 2, his presentation topic is “Improve Traffic Data Collection with Inductive Loop Signature Technology“, which summarizes the progress of the SBIR Phase II project titled “Transportation System Performance Measurement Using Existing Loop Infrastructure”. As Dr. Chu said, the Inductive Loop Signature Technology is not new and has been reseached since late 1990s mainly by researchers led by Prof. Stephen Ritchie of University of Calfornia Irvine. What CLR Analytics has done is to utilize the advancement of the latest computing and communiction technologies to make the tecnology really work and available to the commercial market. The partner for CLR Analytics on this project is Diamond Traffic Products, which is a well-known traffic data collection product vendor in the industry and is vendor of the signature detector card. Addiitonally, Dr. Chu announced the single loop based vehicle classification product during the conference. A flyer of the product can be found here. Other related products will be available soon after the completion of the SBIR phase II project.
In May 3, Dr. Chu gave another talk on “Weigh-In-Motion Station Monitoring and Calibration using Inductive Loop Signature Technology“, which summarizes the progress of the SBIR Phase II project titled “Tracking Heavy Vehicles based on Weigh-In-Motion and Vehicle Signature Technologies”. Our proposed method is to track trucks among WIM stations and counting stations using both signature data and WIM data and then use the matched vehicle pairs for automatic WIM station calibration and converting counting stations to virtual WIM stations. The partner for CLR Analytics on this project is International Road Dynamics (IRD), which is a major WIM vendor. Our approach and the preliminary results look very promising and received recognization from both DOTs and WIM vendors.